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Honorable Delegates and Faculty Advisors,

My name is Camilo Rodriguez and it is my distinct honor to serve as the Secretary-General for the 42nd edition of Colegio Nueva Granada’s Model United Nations (CNGMUN XLII). This edition of our conference, held February 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2024, will unite passionate students from all over the world as we look for solutions to current global issues through collaboration, thoughtful discussion, and above all, diplomacy. 

We live in an age of extreme interconnection. Globalization has made it easier than ever to understand the world around us as we become informed and proactive citizens. Yet, far too often, we do not take an active role within our communities. We have become comfortable with normalcy, even when it is not fair. Daily, we disregard the lives of others simply because the situations they undergo are foreign to us, or because helping them seems too hard. However, I’m someone who is convinced that one is never too young to exert powerful change. It is up to us to begin taking action. Though MUN may seem like just one insignificant effort towards achieving such grand change, it is indeed a small, but greatly transformative step. Each debate is an inspiration for further impact. And most of all, it is the reason why I believe that we must take what each conference teaches us and apply it to our every day: respect, kindness, tolerance, social responsibility, each value a guiding principle for our lives. 

In an ever-changing world, we cannot let ourselves become accepting of unjust realities. This is what we want you to take away from CNGMUN. Throughout our three days of conference, remember that the moment is now. Use your voice, get informed, get involved, and be on the lookout for those bright solutions that will guide us as we seek a better tomorrow. 

The Secretariat and I are eager to see you in action, 

Kind regards,


Camilo Rodriguez, 
Secretary-General CNGMUN XLII

February 8,9 & 10, 2024
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