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CNGMUN Days 2/3 - Bilderberg Summit - Gig economy and human rights

In a world that is constantly changing, with the demand for jobs constantly growing and the access to quality education constantly decreasing, people have turned to informal or ‘gig’ economy as a means to make a living. The committee discusses how this new system that relies on the labor of lower class workers is affecting the global economy as well as their own rights. The delegates debate and analyze how regulating this economy should be approached, as well as what would happen if its effects were greatly diminished. The corporations defending gig economy and the lack of contracts, healthcare, and security they give to workers state that “we are giving them a fair chance. Our employees do not have the qualifications for traditional jobs, and, consequently, our policy saves them from complete poverty. We are helping them by giving them a stable job”. 

The job, however, is anything but stable. The delegates were quick to point out that work without any benefits or stable contracts, especially in food delivery service companies, could potentially be classified as exploitation and a violation of workers’ rights. US president Joe Biden, aware of this issue, released a mandate that would force all corporations to hire workers on a contract, and for every contractless employee, a fine would be paid. Corporations that did not agree with this policy would thus be banned from operating in the USA. This measure, though quite drastic, was supported by King Charles III, an advocate for worker rights in this debate. 

Cooperation by the delegates is concluded in the creation of papers to propose possible regulations for gig economy. How will the corporations and workers be benefitted?

02/10/24. Escrito por L. García.

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